Case Study: Heartflow

African Man Endocrinologist Making Ultrasonography To Female Patient In Ultrasound

What is HeartFlow?

HeartFlow analysis is a non-invasive, cardiac test for stable symptomatic patients with coronary heart disease, the most common form of cardiovascular disease.

Coronary heart disease develops when fatty material builds up inside the coronary arteries through a process called atherosclerosis. Over time, the arteries may narrow and restrict the blood flow and oxygen supply to organs.

HeartFlow analyses data from a non-invasive coronary CT scan which an analyst then uses to create 3D computer models of the coronary arteries, simulating blood flow and assessing the impact of blockages.

What were the aims of HeartFlow?

Support eligible trusts to adopt HeartFlow under the Innovation Technology Payment scheme, which ran until 31st March 2021.

Support trusts to reduce patients’ hospital journeys for diagnostic tests, which was particularly important during the pandemic.

What were the outcomes?

Within the West Midlands four eligible providers have adopted HeartFlow Analysis with a further two sites at the implementation stage.

Nationally, the HIWM has supported Health Innovation Networks with the implementation and adoption of HeartFlow across England.

What did we do?

As the lead Health Innovation Network for Heartflow, the HIWM supports in the implementation and adoption of the technology in eligible Trusts across England, supports other Health Innovation Networks in their adoption activities through monthly calls with the Health Innovation Network leads to discuss the national picture and raise any issues/barriers which can inform activity in other areas. Weekly update calls directly with HeartFlow help to support narrative building and the discussion of any national issues, regional progress or barriers and identifying areas of best practice.

Locally, the HIWM has worked with all providers eligible for HeartFlow under the Innovation Technology Payment scheme. Support has been in the area to support the development of business cases for the continued use of HeartFlow post-ITP. We have worked closely with our HeartFlow representative to discuss progress at each site and raise any issues or concerns.