Highly Commended – HSJ Awards 2023: West Midlands Managing Deterioration in Care Homes Safety Improvement Programme

Published on 30 December 2023

In November, HIWM’s project ‘West Midlands Managing Deterioration in Care Homes Safety Improvement Programme’ was highly commended in the ‘Provider Collaboration of the Year’ category at the 2023 Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards.

The project worked with 1,679 care homes across the region to support the training, adoption and sustainability of deterioration management tools. It aimed to reduce deterioration-associated harm by improving the prevention, identification, escalation, and response to physical deterioration through better system coordination.

The project has been recognised as a national exemplar and HIWM is continuing to support NHS England by establishing a national change package in line with the deterioration framework.

The full list of winners for the 2023 HSJ Awards can be found here.