Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciating Health and Care

Health Innovation West Midlands (HIWM), Advancing Quality Alliance (Aqua) and Appreciating People worked in partnership to produce ‘Appreciating Health and Care’, a practical Appreciative Inquiry (AI) resource for the health and social care sector, combining AI theory with practical experience and examples in a broad range of professional settings. It brings together the varied experiences of health care professionals in seeking ‘what is working’ and the principles behind the Learning from Excellence project.

The book is the first resource of its kind and explores a variety of themes and case studies including:

  • an introduction to AI, its philosophy, principles and tools
  • information on the emerging AI movement in health and care
  • an ‘AI in action’ section, including 16 case studies and examples of practice
  • extra resources
  • a useful glossary


  • Daniel Hodgkiss, Assistant Programme Manager, Health Innovation West Midlands
  • Suzanne Quinney, Co-Director, Appreciating People
  • Tim Slack, Founder and Co-Director, Appreciating People
  • Kayleigh Barnett, Head of Continuous Improvement, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust, and former Senior Improvement Lead at Aqua
  • Brook Howells, Human Factors Consultant, Systemantics, and former Senior Improvement Advisor, Aqua

Get your copy

Available in print, or as an interactive eBook, this is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of AI in health settings. There is also a supplementary eBook, called Appreciating Health and Care: AI in practice, which introduces more professional experiences of using AI in the health and care sector.

A physical copy of the book is available for purchase from the Appreciating People website here.

HIWM partners can contact Daniel Hodgkiss, Assistant Programme Manager: to access the ebook.