Addiction Mission: Innovation for Treatment and Recovery Awards (AMI) are open for applications

Published on 12 May 2023

The Addiction Mission, led by the UK Office for Life Sciences (OLS), in collaboration with the National Insititute of Health and Social Care Research (NIHR), will be inviting applications to the Addiction Mission: Innovation for Treatment and Recovery Awards (AMI) to develop valuable tools that support treatment and recovery for people with opioid and cocaine addictions. 

The application process is scheduled to open on May 31 2023 with webinar for prospective applicants to take place on the same day.

The call will be open to all organisations which are UK legal entities, regardless of size or sector. For instance, this call is open to commercial entities, NHS and Third Sector Service Providers, charitable organisations, local government bodies, as well as universities and research institutions.

Further information can be found on the NIHR website following this link and this will be updated with more details once available. You will be sent a further email to notify you when additional detail goes live.

Addiction Mission: Innovation for Treatment and Recovery Awards (AMI) are open for applications


The Addiction Mission, led by the UK Office for Life Sciences (OLS), in collaboration with the National Insititute of Health and Social Care Research (NIHR), will be inviting applications to the Addiction Mission: Innovation for Treatment and Recovery Awards (AMI) to develop valuable tools that support treatment and recovery for people with opioid and cocaine addictions. 

The application process is scheduled to open on May 31 2023 with webinar for prospective applicants to take place on the same day.

The call will be open to all organisations which are UK legal entities, regardless of size or sector. For instance, this call is open to commercial entities, NHS and Third Sector Service Providers, charitable organisations, local government bodies, as well as universities and research institutions.

Further information can be found on the NIHR website following this link and this will be updated with more details once available. You will be sent a further email to notify you when additional detail goes live.